Why my past food struggles will help you.

I’m Jen – a Nutrition Coach and a Pharmacist. My passion is improving people’s lives and bodies by transforming their relationship with food. By giving clear and practical advice around nutrition and lifestyle, I help people cut through the overwhelm of information.

I’m Jen - a Nutrition Coach and a Pharmacist

I’m Jen - a Nutrition Coach and a Pharmacist.

That might seem like a weird combo, but both jobs help me connect with people and make real changes to their health, happiness, and general wellbeing.

My passion is improving people’s lives and bodies by transforming their relationship with food.

So, what's my story? I used to be overweight and had a really bad relationship with food. Binges were a regular thing. Unsurprisingly, I also had pretty low self-esteem. An unhappy me in an unhealthy body!

While studying for my Pharmacy degree in 2011, I realised something had to change. My poor body image, disordered eating behaviours and other things going on in life were really having an impact on my confidence and wellbeing. I had to do something about it and stop spinning my wheels.

Taking control of my health

So I took control of my health - and this included both nutrition and training, where I set foot under a barbell for the first time. The transformation in my body and mind that followed had a huge positive impact on all areas of life.

Everything finally 'clicked'. I’d lost the excess weight and even put on some muscle (which is a great thing!). My self-esteem issues were bonked on the head and replaced with a newfound sense of self-confidence. And my relationship with food improved massively – I no longer exercised to ‘burn off’ calories, starved myself with salads, or binge ate at weekends.

These things have stuck with me, and continued to improve. And now it’s my mission to help you get past your own challenges with food and with your body, so you can live your own healthiest life.

Taking control of my health

My promise to you is simple

My mission is to leave people better than I found them.

By giving clear and practical advice around nutrition and lifestyle, I help people cut through the overwhelm of information. People who feel they aren’t getting anywhere despite their best efforts need advice, support, and structure. My coaching gives people something that actually works, so they can live happier, healthier lives enjoying the foods they love. My aim is to transform people’s health and mind so they can live in a body they’re elated with.

JP Nutrition


Find out about my highly successful 1-to-1 coaching programme and See how you can lose up to 12lbs in 12 weeks whilst eating the foods you love.

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JP Nutrition

Corporate workshops

In-person or online education and support to get your team happier, healthier and more productive. Bespoke workshops tailored to your organisation’s needs.

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JP Nutrition

Free Stuff

Have a look at my free sh*t by following me on Instagram, downloading some free resources, or signing up to my emails with straight-talking advice to help you cut through the b*llocks.

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JP Nutrition

Group Nutrition Coaching

21CURBIT is my 21 day programme where you’ll be learning alongside other people in your position. I’ve designed it to help you curb your cravings and gain control around snacking.

Find out more

(Coming soon)

Random stuff about me

Likes: Gymnastics (love!), pizza, spiced rum, walking, reading (Adam Kay’s ‘This Is Going To Hurt’ = one of my faves)

Dislikes: Spiders (hate!), celery, tequila, thrusters, when people steal my content and give 0 credit.